Tired of too many car expenses?
Ditch the car. Drive when you need to.
We can’t give you a ride, but we can give you access to a car.
We’re not a ride-share, we’re a car-share. The Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative is a local co-operative making it easier for you to live in Saskatoon without a car.
Whether to improve your health, lower your cost of living, or reduce your impact on the environment, many Saskatonians are choosing active methods of transportation and public transit. There are some tasks, however, that require the convenience of driving.
SCC offers the freedom of vehicle access without the expense and hassle of car maintenance. Our fleet includes both gas and electric options.
A very special shout out to our community partners who have generously donated EV parking spaces for our fleet!
Our Membership Levels
Pay a monthly flat fee of $10. Then $10/hour and $0.40 per kilometre.
Pay only for what you use. $8/hour and $0.40 per kilometre.
Pay only for what you use. $8/hour and $0.40 per kilometre.